Haylee has been growing up so fast. I remember everybody telling me that and me thinking yeah yeah. But now that I have a child it is so true I really can't believe how fast time goes. Haylee is almost 6 months old. She now eats baby food. She is more interactive with her world. She knows who I am and who Mike is. She has so much personality and loves other children. She is also starting to be able to entertain herself better and doing better when she is left alone in a room. She sleeps through the night for the most part and is a very happy baby.
I also can't believe that we have been living in our house for 2 years now. I love having a home a good neighborhood for Haylee to be able to grow up in. Mike and I are going on 6 years of marriage and even though it has been hard at times I love him more then anything and am so grateful I am sealed to him for time and all eternity. My life is so blessed and I am so grateful for all that I have.
Here are some pictures of Haylee over the past few months.